If CSI-Canterbury played CSI-Birchington for a year neither side could manage a winner. And it was the case for this deathly 0 - 0 draw, CSI-Canterbury manager Brian Gilbert seems to be getting the hang of this football lark. Hard-earned draws might soon become a winning streak if he keeps improving. After clean sheet number 20 for CSI-Canterbury goalie Pauley Perrette, it was kisses all round in the dressing room. No tongues though, that's disgusting. Not even the impact of Liz Vassey could give CSI-Birchington the push they needed to overcome their opponents yesterday. As the players from CSI-Birchington and CSI-Canterbury headed to the local boozer after the game, a fight broke out over who had the worst manager. That fight also ended in a draw. No will to win from either side? Whatever next? No will to live? Death is too good for them.